Winter brings with it special concerns regarding vehicle/equipment storage and premises maintenance.
Should you store vehicles and/or equipment on your premises during the winter months, be sure to drain the fuel tanks and secure the items to prevent unauthorized access.
Ice and snow covered roads and walkways increase the possibility of slip/fall incidences. Keeping these areas clear by shoveling, plowing and sanding will reduce the likelihood of such occurrences, but cannot eliminate the possibility of an accident.
Should a slip/fall incident occur, despite your best efforts, the extent of your negligence may hinge on whether you took reasonable steps to keep roads and walkways clear. A written log that documents your ice/snow removal activities can be an important component of your defense against a negligence claim.
The log can be very simple. It should give a brief description of the work completed and the date and time it was performed. A handy place to keep the log is in your plow truck. If you use sub contractors for snow removal, request a monthly statement that will itemize their work on your premises including the date and time of the work. A sample log is enclosed for your convenience.
Pay careful attention to the use of wood stoves, fireplaces and space heaters. It is critical that items be installed safely with proper clearance to combustible materials. Careful operation is crucial and items should never be left unattended. Of course, items should always be properly cleaned and maintained.
We appreciate your attention. Call us toll free with any questions.
1-800-289.1501, Ext. 6555